Python – Introduction – Day 1

This name has a power to transform this world. it can be taught to a young people to senior citizens. Since, the nature of this language is simple to read and write. You can write a program to print “hello, world!” or send a rocket to the moon.

Python is an interpreted language. It is a high level, Object-oriented programming language.

There are some basic to learn a programming language. It is vital to understand the following and it is same for all languages.

  1. Language Syntax – to construct the program structure.
  2. Variables – a name use to store a value.
  3. Data Type – Type of the value to be stored in a variable or as a literal for computation.
  4. Operators – symbols that represent operations to be performed.
  5. Control Structure – Control structures are used to perform different actions in a program. such as, conditional flow, repetitive code block and catch exceptions.
  6. Module – is a collection of subroutines that are essential or readily available for developer’s use instead of creating. for instance, print() is a standard function for output.

We will get to learn each item as given above. Learning the basic of a programming language basics gives you confidence to do more. Therefore, more you do will make you an expert.

There is a concept called 10K hours rule. If you practice a complex skill dedicatedly for 10K hours, you will become master in it.

Same goes for mastering a programming language.

Start your first day and wish you to reach the 10K hour.


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